Lounavoima Oy’s Korvenmäki Waste-to-Energy plant began operating in spring 2021

WtE plant converts unrecyclable municipal solid waste into local energy

The state-of-the-art plant will fulfil even the stringent emissions requirements of the future

Lounavoima is owned by Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy and Salon Kaukolämpö Oy



Heat stored in 2,000-meter-deep geothermal wells in Salo

Construction of three new geothermal wells already underway


Landfill gas successfully refined into traffic fuel in Salo, Finland

The aim of the project is to begin converting carbon dioxide produced by the Waste-to-Energy plant into traffic fuel.


Turning climate emissions into fuel in Salo, Finland

One important target is to convert carbon dioxide produced by the Waste-to-Energy plant into traffic fuel

Local energy and circular economy

The Korvenmäki Waste-to-Energy plant converts unrecyclable municipal waste into district heating and electricity. The plant accounts for approximately 90% of the district heating distributed in Salo, as well as supplying electricity to the national grid.

The ecological, safe and cost-effective WtE plant supports the development of the circular economy in the area. It is a link in the circularity chain in Southwest Finland, and a significant step in combating climate change.

Lounavoima Oy is a partner in circular economy and energy solutions, actively promoting systems that support recycling of materials and emissions reductions. Lounavoima is involved in carrying out innovative development projects that further the circular economy and foster positive climate impacts.

Lounavoima’s objective is to store the excess heat created during the summer in a geothermic deep heat storage system close to the WtE plant, for use during the winter’s peak season. The Korvenmäki waste treatment centre next door to the WtE plant has investigated the refinement of landfill gas into vehicle fuel. The objective is also to apply the same technology to make use of the carbon dioxide produced by the WtE plant.

Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant: Facts and Figures

120,000 tonnes of waste incinerated each year

The plant heat input is 44 MW

The plant generates 180–190 GWh of district heat and approximately 72 GWh of electricity each year

The plant has halved the carbon dioxide emissions of district heating production in Salo